In theory, you shouldn’t have to add fluid to an automatic transmission. However, if your transmission is leaking, even slightly, at some point you’ll have to. Here’s what you should know, from Automotive Solutions in Lenoir City, TN.
Your transmission cooler is an integral part of the reliability and proper function of your transmission. At Automotive Solutions in Lenoir City, TN, we’re well equipped with the knowledge you need about coolers, and the ability and equipment necessary to keep your transmission in good shape.
There’s a huge appeal to buying a used car from a private party seller. Bypass the dealership, the hidden fees, the markups, the hassle, and save yourself some money in the process. But what’s the risk? Have you found a deal or a dud?
Like anything else on your vehicle, keeping various systems clean and in good shape is essential to long life and reliability. Your fuel system is especially important - parts are expensive, problems can be difficult to diagnose, and it doesn’t take much contamination to cause a huge issue. It’s much easier to keep your fuel system clean than it is to clean a dirty or problematic system. Performing regular fuel treatment can prove very beneficial to the life of your vehicle.
Manual transmissions require far less maintenance than automatics. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need a fluid check from time to time. Here’s what you should know about checking and adding fluid to your manual transmission, from Automotive Solutions in Lenoir City, TN.
Leaks and drips that get the interior of your vehicle wet are definitely an inconvenience. Sitting water promotes rust, bad smells, and can ruin your carpet. Furthermore, the water often seems to come from seemingly nowhere, adding to the frustration. From Automotive Solutions in Lenoir City, TN, here are some of the leading causes of water on your floor, and what you can do about it.
By now, the numbers are clear; seat belts save lives. But just wearing one isn’t enough - it needs to be working properly to actually keep you safe. Here’s what you need to know about the seat belts in your car, truck, or SUV, from Automotive Solutions in Lenoir City, TN.
If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle, you know that your precision engineered equipment demands precision tuning. At Automotive Solutions in Lenoir City, TN, we specialize in high-end imports and performance vehicles and keep them up to par.
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Lenoir City, TN 37772
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